Anti-Racism and Civic Courage Training

ACCT (Anti-Racism and Civic Courage Training) is an EU-wide project for respect, anti-racism and civic courage. We develop trainings and social campaigns to effectively combat racism and discrimination and empower communities.

“Fight against intolerance, racism, xenophobia, and discrimination and promote civic courage”

To promote equality and to fight against racism, xenophobia and discrimination, the project “Anti-Racism and Civic Courage Training” (ACCT) uses comprehensive and intersectional approach to develop both an online and offline curriculum as educational tools to arm participants to fight against intolerance, racism, xenophobia, and discrimination and promote civic courage. We develop these trainings by exchanging methodologies and developing them together. ACCT brings together civil society organisations, activists and community leaders in these training activities throughout 5 countries that establish contact between groups affected to a different degree to train them on antiracism and civic courage in both urban and rural communities. 

Our tools

Poster Competition &

Through a poster campaign, we have asked artists throughout the European Union to share their vision of a more inclusive society.

Discussion Online Platform

An online platform where you can meet and discuss, a sharing space to build and strengthen a sense of citizenship and participation beyond differences.

Anti-Racism Training

Training for community leaders on already existing local documentation centres and reporting mechanisms for discriminatory events.

Get in touch with us!

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